Delicious Radish Fry Recipe / Bengali Dish – Mulo Bhaja

Hi Friends,
Today I am sharing with you a very simple veg. side dish recipe made with Radish. It is Radish Fry. It is a traditional Bengali recipe, very quick and easy to prepare and with few ingredients. The dish is very tasty to eat. It goes well with Rice/Roti or Paratha.

Cooking time – 30 minutes.  Serve – 4
Ingredients –
1.Radish – 1 bowl (chopped)
2.Dry Red Chilly – 2 (broken)
3.Nigella seeds (kalonji) – 1/2 tsp.
4.Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp.
5.Salt to taste.
6.Sugar – 1/4 tsp.
7.Oil   – 4 tbsp.
8.Chopped Coriander leaves – 4 tbsp.
9.Slit green chilly – 4
10.Bori (Sundried lentils dumplings) – 6.
Method –
1.Take the Radish,scrape lightly and chop. Wash the chopped Radish and boil in 2 bowls of water for 3 to  minutes and drain. Keep aside.
2.Heat oil in a frying pan, when hot reduce the heat. Add Bori and fry until brown on both sides. Take out from oil and transfer to a bowl and crush them lightly. Keep aside.
3.Add red chilly in the remaining oil, fry until brown. Add kalonji, fry for 30 seconds. Add the boiled Radish, turmeric and little salt. Mix well. Cover the pan and fry for 5 to 6 minutes in slow flame (stir in between). Uncover the pan, add crashed Bori, green chilly, coriander leaves,sugar and mix well. Cook for 1 minute. Remove pan from the heat.
Delicious Radish Fry is ready, Serve as a first item with hot Rice or as a side dish with Roti/Paratha.

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